Jan 19, 2011

Falls allegations of Council of Europe over Kosovo and Kosovo’s Independence

European countries and members of he EU parliament are and will make the biggest mistake of their life if they believe the repporteur of the Council of Europe Dick Marty. Voices like “EU countries reacted hastily by recognizing Kosova’s Independence is a Serb propaganda. In 1999 Voislav Sesel a Serb nationalist during the election campaign stated that he has proven facts that Serbs where abducted and vanished during the Kosovo war.
But the story about the “Yellow House” in Albania became famous during the Carla del Ponte time. According to Israeli analyst Sam Vaknik, Dick Marty and Del Ponte are close friends and it is possible that he took her story and made a report for Council of Europe. No other explanation.  
One believes that the report has been published for the sole purpose: Against the Independence of Kosovo. There is no other purpose. Individuals come and go. Accusing the members of KLA who fought for Independence of Kosova, one thinks, it is a heinous crime.
For 10 years Serbia has been spreading roomers and lies about the case. Now Dick Marty made those lies a real report. Since 1999 until now there have been made two (2) independent investigations and both found nothing. Only false roomers and nothing more, this was confirmed by the UN investigators too in 2002-2003.The same conclusion was brought by EULEX after their throw investigation.
These new allegations should be again investigated and I mean in a very professional and independent way. But, one is very sure that new investigations will show again and again nothing but lies. Today in Prishtina the District Court has open the case against 5 Serbs who have been bribing witnesses up to 20,000.00 thousand to state that PM Thaci and ex-PM Haradinaj have been seen by them in Burrel (Albania) next to the Yellow House.
The golden question rises; if Mr. Marty and others had all this information’s at hand why they haven’t raised the issue with any EU court?
One thing is sure; all Serb hostages of the war who where left in freedom never mentioned the Yellow House and never knew nothing about it.
Dick Marty worked in 2004 in Kosovo as part of pillar IV. His job was to prepare the conditions for the creation of the Ministry if Justice of Kosova.
In an interview given yesterday (17th of January) to albinfo.ch Mr. Dick Marty has changed his point of view. “I never wanted to criminalize the Albanian people”. But with his report Mr. Marty did just that. Because, Dick Marty in 1999 also was against the NATO intervention in Yugoslavia, although one (1) million Kosovo Albanians where deported at gun point by the Serbian troops. Strange! At that time he went that far by pushing Swiss government not to allow NATO air force to fly over its territory.
Dick Marty’s report: KLA responsible for human organ trade has destroyed the reputation of Kosovo, its government and its people too. Dr. Jak Gjergji believes that human organ trafficking during the war time in Kosovo was impossible. Even today there are no conditions for that to happen. The worst story is that two of the serbs missing mentioned in the report are well and working and living in Belgrade.
One thing should be sure. During the war there were prisoners on both sides. Also exchanges happened from the both sides. Whilst there’s not a single new fact on the previous Serbian lies.
In his interview Mr. Marty stats that “allot of Kosovans male and female where victims of the war but they aren’t coming out and making public their stories”. True, but since 1999 after they returned home made these statements to all who wanted to hear, but nothing happened for the better of their lives! During the war in Kosova Serbs killed 13 thousand people, 29 massacres and four thousand missing. But looks like Voislav Sesel’s lies still making a huge issue around the world. Serbs have no human limits.

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