Feb 5, 2011


 9:09PM GMT 04 Feb 2011
Ref ID: 09LONDON778
Date: 3/30/2009 14:52
Origin: Embassy London
Classification: CONFIDENTIAL
Destination: 09STATE27328|09WELLINGTON5045
C O N F I D E N T I A L LONDON 000778 E.O. 12958: DECL: 03/27/2019 TAGS: ODIP, PREL, KVPR, NZ, KV, UK SUBJECT: KOSOVO CHARGE IN LONDON REPORTS HIS ACCREDITATION TO NEW ZEALAND ON TRACK REF: STATE 27328 Classified By: Political Minister Counselor Greg Berry for reasons 1.4 (B) and (D).
1.(C) The New Zealand Foreign Ministry has communicated to the Kosovo Foreign Ministry its acceptance "in principle" for the Kosovo Charge in London, Muhamet Hamiti, to be jointly accredited to New Zealand, Hamiti informed Political Minister Counselor on March 26. Hamiti, who shared a copy of a March 24 letter sent from Wellington to the Kosovo Foreign Ministry on the issue (text of letter at para. 5), said that what remained to be worked out were "the practicalities" of his dual accreditation, but he believed the process is on track. He expects, assuming the remaining steps are completed on schedule, to travel to New Zealand to formally present his credentials sometime in April. Hamiti did note that the Kosovo Foreign Minister is traveling over the next few weeks to New York and Prague, which may slow down how fast the Kosovo Ministry can resolve the final details. He did not believe any U.S. facilitation with either the New Zealand or Kosovo governments was needed at this time, but said he would contact Embassy London if there were unforeseen roadblocks.
2. (C) Polcounselor spoke with his counterpart at the New Zealand High Commission in London on March 27, Jake Collins. Collins reported that Wellington had instructed the High Commission to not engage directly on the issue or contact Hamiti, as Wellington preferred to deal with the Kosovo Foreign Ministry directly and through the Ministry with Hamiti as necessary. Against that background, Collins said he understood that Wellington was moving forward with the proposal and had a good line of communication with the Kosovars. He did not know about the March 24 letter sent to the Kosovo Foreign Ministry agreeing in principle to the dual accreditation. According to Collins, some of the initial reluctance to the proposal from his government had been over the accreditation of a Charge, rather than a sitting Ambassador, to Wellington. Collins suggested that some of the practicalities that needed to be worked out related to this issue. Hamiti Pressing Other Diplomats on Recognition --------------------------------------------- -
3. (C) Hamiti struck poloffs as an energetic diplomat, with an excellent command of English, if a little verbose. During his first four months in London, he said he had met with over 40 of his diplomatic counterparts from countries that have not yet recognized Kosovo. In his own view, the key to achieving recognition from other states would be for a few key governments -- such as Saudi Arabia and Pakistan -- to announce their recognition of Kosovar independence. Hamiti said many of Middle Eastern diplomats in London tell him that their governments are looking for movement on recognition from Riyadh or Islamabad to pave the way for their own government's action. Hamiti said Spain's recent decision to pull its troops out of KFOR was "disappointing" and suggested it was a step backward in terms of moving Madrid forward in relations with Kosovo. In contrast, he said the recently announced drawdown of UK forces from KFOR was handled satisfactorily, after full consultation with NATO headquarters.
4.(C) Hamiti's immediate focus is moving the last five EU holdouts on recognition forward as he believes having all the European nations in the recognition column would send a strong signal to the International Court of Justice -- "its a European question and we could point out that all of Europe is united in recognizing our independence." He thought obtaining Greece's recognition was the most possible, as well as that of Cyprus, among the holdouts. Text of March 24 Letter from New Zealand Foreign Ministry --------------------------------------------- ------------
5.(SBU) Begin text: Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade 195 Lambton Quay Wellington 5045, New Zealand The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kosovo, and has the honour to refer to the letter from the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Kosovo, dated 23 January 2009 to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, New Zealand, proposing the establishment of diplomatic and consular relations between New Zealand and the Republic of Kosovo on the basis of terms set out in the Vienna Conventions on Diplomatic and Consular Relations. The Ministry has been instructed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs to respond through standard diplomatic channels by means of this note. New Zealand is receptive in principle to the accreditation by the Kosovo of a suitable person in accordance with diplomatic protocol. The Ministry notes that some aspects of the specific proposal to accredit the Charg d, Affairs a.e. of the Republic of Kosovo in the UK to New Zealand require further clarification. The Ministry, consistent with earlier advice, notes that arrangements for such accreditation should be handled in correspondence with Mr George Troup, Director, Europe Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, New Zealand. The email address for Mr. Troup is XXXXXXXXXXXX. Mr. Troup will be making direct contact with the designated officials of Kosovo in order to discuss the matters referred to in the previous paragraph. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade takes this opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kosovo the assurances of its highest consideration. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Wellington 24 March 2009 End text.

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