Nuclear Power has its nuclear problems. This was seen in the powerful country as Japan too. It is becoming an endless disaster for the Japan and the whole world. The Fukushima nuclear power station number three (3) is still spilling. Officials say it could take up to nine months to finally bring a runaway nuclear plant back under control - or even longer if anything else goes wrong.
The hope is to bring radiation levels down significantly within three months and then shutdown the core in another six, but government spokesman Yukio Edano said Monday that can only happen if "everything goes smoothly."
The crippled Fukushima-Dai-ichi reactors have been leaking radiation since the March 11 earthquake and tsunami that left 27,000 dead or missing and devastated a vast stretch of Japan's coast. Robots sent in to two of the damaged reactors Monday discovered radiation levels far higher than is safe for humans to enter.
Workers are continuing to inject water into the reactors to keep fuel rods cool, while simultaneously creating an outside system for dealing with the contaminated water when it comes back out. "There are many unknowns," said Kyushu University professor Kazuhiko Kudo, a nuclear specialist. "We are talking about people working in highly contaminated areas. It's not going to be easy."
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